Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Happy New Year: Finishing Touches on our Avalon

2016 ended in a flurry! It was an awesome year, and I'm looking forward to 2017. We're speeding along in the closing process and we're currently scheduled to close next Wednesday afternoon. Originally, I was skeptical about that being the actual closing date do to the well water test. For the uninitiated, I'm referring to the well water test that is supposed to be performed after the home is completed, and can push your settlement date back anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. It's essentially a test where  our water is tested for bacteria, nitrates, and any contaminants of local concern.

Originally, we were warned that first time wells typically need to be treated a couple times in order to process the water to acceptable levels. And since the wells cannot be tested until after the home is completed (due to county regulations I believe), we could expect our date to slip some. However, it appears that Ryan Homes has found a workaround and is concurrently testing/treating our water this week. Maybe it means our home is technically done? I am unsure. 

What I am sure of is our excitement level. We've stalked our home at least once a week for the past few weeks. And I've honestly, probably well since past the stage of any useful or new pictures until our home is finally finished! But that won't stop me from posting the random ones I took anyway. 

PS: They are literally, doing finishing touches on the house. They leave pieces of blue tape places where the paint or trim isn't right.


  1. Your closet almost made me faint lol! Congratulations on the new house and I look forward to seeing pictures and hearing updates on your beautiful home.

  2. Thanks! The closet was a great selling point. It's crazy, because Ashley only wants to give me 1/4 of all the space smh!
