Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Foundation and stone

Long time no post. As almost any and everyone is familiar with, moving sucks! I always say that I'm going to hire movers, and yet, never do it. So it was that I spent about 2 workdays, and several nights, slowly packing and moving my life to either storage, the dump, or Mom's house. Good news is that the kids take it all as one adventure! And they are all for grand mommy time. But mentally, I'm literally counting the days until we can close and move in!

Last week was hectic with moving, and then a much needed 3 night vacation in Cancun. The two photos beneath should aptly sum that trip up!!!

So when we came back, of course the first thing we did was cruise by the house and see what's new, and there appears to be foundation walls, along with our lumber and windows and such! Excitement abounds.

I just sent a text to our PM asking for an update on our estimated home completion date and a "what's next". I also spoke with a co-worker who, among other things, mentioned I should inquire about radon testing. But also his home has a well and septic system, so he was able to ease some of my concerns regarding that stuff.

Here are some of the myriad of pictures I took. (Editors Note: Some of these pictures are over two separate trips over 2 weeks).

1 comment:

  1. Yay! What a nice surprise to come home from a fabulous vacation to see all your lumber delivered and your foundation done!
