Tuesday, September 20, 2016

We Have A HOLE!!!

With kids being back and school, and other random life events happening (including packing and preparing to move from my current house), I've been too busy to post on our homes progress. But then one day...we had a hole!!!


Our PM sent a text about a week ago, stating that our permit had finally arrived, and offered for us to come take a look at the site whenever we were available--as long as it fit within his 8-4 business hours. We've both taken off several days of work, and still need to save some leave...so his schedule was difficult to work with. However, we randomly went up there last week, and low and behold, there was a hole!!

Once he said that his ummm, "line guy"--I don't know...whomever surveys the land and marks it-- had done his job. I then set something up with our PM later in the week so that he could walk the site with me and point out stuff (property lines, well locations, line of disturbance (LOD), etc.,). There's not too much too see, other then our wonderful hole! But I'll list the take aways from our meeting below:

  • Ryan Homes is pushing for him to finish all homes before the end of the year. Not just ours. He said therefore that a mid-Dec closing is possible--but not likely. Such a time table would require no delays or hiccups whatsoever--and how often does that occur in life?
  • He showed me where our wells would be and septic tanks.
  • He discussed his confidence that his first priority would be to build us a solid and sound house, rather then hastily throwing one up.
  • Our PM mentioned that even if he had crews working on the weekends, it could only speed things up by 1 week, maybe 2.
  • We spoke about the grading of our land (actually fairly flat for a good portion of the 3 acres).
  • He spoke about the line of disturbance, in which he's required to work
  • He spoke about what falls on the developer and what's outside his control. For instance, BGE, still needs to lay the power lines in our entire neighborhood, but with them being the big bad, monopoly, they will get there when they get there!
BGE. When it comes to scheduling
  • He also mentioned that there's a fair amount of things he can do without power--but there is a stopping point where he couldn't do any further work without power. And that he's at that point right now on a home or two in our neighborhood
  • Finally, he did give me a loose run down of what would occur over the next few weeks. From footers to concrete and waterproofing to framing, etc., But I was so excited over our hole, that I didn't take notes or anything. I just trusted that it'll occur when it occurs.
Without further ado, our hole pics!

Our lot and permit

Back view of the hole. From the back of the house looking towards the street
Profile view from the corner of our house to our neighbor
Our backyard. There's not as much room between us and the tree line and we'd hoped for
Hopefully, they'll clear that grass and weeds. But we'll have to be responsible for the trees
The hole is larger than the footprint of our house
Side view of the hole. 
Our well can be seen here
You can see the garage frame on the left side, near the front
The developer still needs to move this dirt
The mounds with grass growing are the ones the developer needs to move
Mounds with grass growing are ones the developer needs to move
The gravel there is our drive way. The black tarp is roughly the LOD
From our driveway looking towards our neighbor


  1. Yay! Such an exciting day to actually see work starting on your home! Congrats!
