Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The roof! The roof! The roof is...

Ryan Homes started installing our roof!

I will confess, blogging, with any sort of frequency and relative content, is more work then I imagined. Between work, kids, actually having to check on the home site, and then making time to report back on progress (or lack thereof), it's well, a LOT (13...see what I did there?)

We don't need no water let the !@#$ burn! Sike...don't do that. Please don't
Ashley doesn't like the hip roof as much I do. But she does like having a roof, so I guess there's that medium ground :)
But what does she know :) 
Side profile shot
The good ole back of the house. You can see the morning room and family room

What is this hip roof you speak of? One might ask, well, good question!
According to good ole wikipedia:
hip roofhip-roof or hipped roof, is a type of roof where all sides slope downwards to the walls, usually with a fairly gentle slope. Thus it is a house with no gables or other vertical sides to the roof. A square hip roof is shaped like a pyramid.

To whom it may concern, there are actually (and obviously), pros and cons to the roof choice of your new construction. Some of which can be found summarized here:

In any event, the house is inching faster and faster into feeling like a home!

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